The duck video, September highlights, and an ivy wall


It's funny the things our kids bring into our lives--ideas and influences we wouldn't have expected that teach us something important about ourselves in some small way. After a couple of hours of being babysat, my daughter Lily came back with a new obsession. The duck video. "Can you find the video on your phone?" She kept asking. And asking. And asking. 

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Fire, Flour & Fork adds SIX more events!

This morning had us up early, tweaking and eventually sending our latest press release for Fire, Flour & Fork! The event organizers added six new events, including a panel and dinner at the VMFA featuring Questlove, author of “something to food about: exploring creativity with innovative chefs," along with Kendra Feather, Jason Alley, Mike Derks, and moderator Todd Kliman. 

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Stephanie GanzComment
Shiny and New (giveaways within!)

Notice anything different about us? No, Barb and I didn't get matching haircuts. It's not our fresh manicures (but thanks for noticing). It's a BRAND NEW WEBSITE!!!

We've been working with our friends at Campfire & Co to strengthen our brand voice, and there's no better way to amplify that voice than with a sleek, easy-to-navigate website that shows everyone exactly who we are.

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Berries, bagels, and a slew of new restaurants

Maybe you’ve been mid-Raspberry Lime popsicle and wondered to yourself, “How does the King of Pops make such a tasty treat?” Well, it’s time to go straight to the source--Agriberry Farm. Join the King and his fellow subjects on aberry-picking excursion to Agriberryland on Saturday, August 6th from 10:00 to 1:00. You’ll learn all about the berries and the farm and have an opportunity to taste through Agriberry’s line-up of jams (Royalty Raspberry is my personal fave), and the best part is KOP is providing transportation from and to the Pop Factory, so all you need to bring is sunscreen and a hunger for berries.


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Nate's Bagels in Style Weekly!

We're just delighted to see some great coverage for our client, Nate Mathews, owner of Nate's Bagels! When Nate came to us (by a referral from our friend Ross Catrow), it was a match made in heaven--Our love of carbs and Nate's chewy, salty bagels. We've been hooked ever since. 

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PressGuest UserComment
More brunch, pimento cheese, and a trip to the Jersey Shore

At least for now, we have to say goodbye to Comfort's easy, affordable lunch as the restaurant turns its focus on its dinner menu and beverage program. To ease us into a lunchless existence, Chef Jason Alley himself will prepare special themed lunches once a week, every Wednesday starting on July 27th. So if you, like me, dream of Jason Alley making buckets of pimento cheese and pickles and fried things and griddled things just for you, your time has come. 

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TOMATOES and other news

After a fire destroyed their Surry County smokehouse back in January, the fate of Edwards Virginia Smokehouse was uncertain. Would the business be able to come back from such a devastating blow, and when, oh when, would we be tasting the salty Virginia-made masterpiece that is Surryano ham? Well, it looks like we’re close: According to the Times-Dispatch, Edwards’ website will begin selling hams online this September, just in time for Ham Season.*

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Better Know a Biscuit, vol. 3 Brunch Biscuits

Well, guys, I gained noticeable weight and may never eat another biscuit as long as I live (ok, doubtful), but the Better Know a Biscuit project is officially OVER! I ate about 20 biscuits over a few weeks and am seriously entertaining a "Better Know a Damn Kale Salad" quest to help realign my bod and rid it of some of this gluten.


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The Birdhouse Market feast at Sub Rosa is going to be awesome, and here's why...

With summer in full swing, farmers market tables, like the ones at the Birdhouse Farmers Market every Tuesday afternoon, are brimming with juicy tomatoes, bright berries, crisp cucumbers, and leafy greens. Summer squash and eggplant are popping up more and more, and now is the perfect time for a proper summer feast with these glorious Earth-born goodies taking center stage.


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New clients, boozy goat cheese, and the importance of national food holidays

Richmond food writer Erica Jackson Curran talks about Sullivan’s Pond Farm’s Bonnyclabber cheese for Culture, a magazine devoted to Barb’s favorite food--CHEESE! The Sullivans wrap their goat cheese in natural materials, like beeswax and cornhusks and even cornhusks...soaked in moonshine. Read all about it, and then find yours at the Birdhouse Farmers Market, South of the James, and you know, stores.

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Don't Call It Food News

The departure of RVANews has left me with a bit more time on my hands, so I'll be bringing some of my weekly food news content to this very blog. Changes include: I won’t ever talk about restaurants, events, or food that Barb and I don’t personally like or care about. I mean, after all, this isn’t the news, this is a blog. Also, I'll be able to abuse italics more because Susan Howson won't be here to stop me! I may also address some (and I know this is out of character for me) non-food-related issues if they're interesting to us. 

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Weekly SliceGuest User
Better Know A Biscuit

One of our most beloved news outlets, RVANews, is closing up shop at the end of this week. Barb and I love the folks at RVANews, and we'll sorely miss their humor and insight on local issues from city council to, of course, food. I was very happily RVANews' food writer for the last two years, spending most of my Wednesdays fussing over Food News and sharing my take on #RVAdine with readers. It's hard to walk away from that, but walk we must!

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